CAD/CAM/CAE and partners have vast resources and experience in Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), and 3D modeling. Whether evaluating your files or creating new drawing files to your specifications, we have a program specific to your requirements.

We Got This

cad and 3d modeling and partners use and can receive files in .dwg, .stp, .step, .igs, iges, .sat, vda, .sldxml, .sldprt file formats and can use most popular drawing types.  Our system requires customers to follow strict revision number procedures and careful storage of current and former drawing revisions.  Utilizing 3D models during development and insisting on 2D versions to formalize tolerances ensure that product 1st articles are as expected.

  • AutoCAD
  • AutoDesk
  • Creo
  • Pro-E
  • Catia
  • Rhino
  • Solid-Works
  • Solid Works Flow Simulation
  • Moldflow
  • Fusion 360 tool design experts perform Design for Manufacturing (DFM) evaluation of 3D and 2D files and offer suggestions on modifications or production strategies that will result in high quality, cost effective products within a comfortable lead-time.

3d printing utilizes Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) to help customers visualize a product concept and verify the fit of several parts of an assembly.  A cost effective alternative at small quantity (with limited materials) 3D printing is an effective bridge between concept and tooling passed production.